Nursery Settling-In Policy
Victoria Road Day Nursery is open to every family in the community. the waiting list is operated on a firstcome, first served basis.
Once parents have decided to send their child to Victoria Road Day Nursery, they will be required to complete the registration form. They will also be given a copy of the 'Terms and Conditions' which needs to be signed and kept on file.
Our settling-in policy will be explained to parents and dates will be agreed for settling-in visits and the starting date. Parent(s) guardians will be encouraged to bring their child to visit the nursery a few times prior to their starting date. This is to familiarize both child and parent with the nursery setting and it also helps the children to feel comfortable in the nursery environment.
Parents are welcome to stay with their child for as long as they feel is necessary to settle their child. We aim to provide a safe, happy and secure environment to make the child feel welcome and happy. Parents and staff are encouraged to work together to make this an enjoyable time for the children.
Parents will be given a copy of our 'Information for parents' leaflet.